
Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)

May 20, 2024
10:00am to 2:00pm
Registration Required

What is WRAP®?

WRAP® is the Wellness Recovery Action Plan®, originally created by Mary Ellen Copeland. WRAP® helps
you develop real tools you can use to manage your physical and mental health to change your life. This training is open to all current Plains Area Mental Health Center clients!

Elements of a WRAP®:

  • What are you like when you're well?
  • Wellness Toolbox-things you can do to stay well.
  • Daily Maintenance Plan-things you commit to doing daily to stay well.
  • Triggers and how to cope-what throws you off balance and how to manage this.
  • Warning signs and action steps.
  • When things break down - what to do and how to get back on track.
  • Crisis Plan - how to stay in charge when a crisis does happen.
  • Post Crisis Plan.


Benefits of a WRAP®:

  • It fills your life with hope.
  • It's personalized and unique to you.
  • It always gives you a voice-you're in charge.
  • it's easy to understand.
  • You create it in a supportive environment.
  • It's flexible to meet your needs - make changes anytime.
  • It helps you learn new ways to solve old problems.
  • It provides you with a social peer network.
  • You'll learn innovative ideas for fun and relaxation.
Registration Required

Register Now

Plains Area Mental Health Center - Spirit Lake Office
710 Lake Street, Suite 2
Spirit Lake, IA

For More Information
Lisa Naslund
(712) 225-2575 x198